Each family registered in the faith formation program at Saint Teresa of Avila Catholic Student Center is asked to attend 70% of Saturday Vigil or Sunday Masses as a family from August- May.
The purpose of the Mass attendance policy is two-fold:
To offer accountability that families are attending Saturday/Sunday Mass as a family.
To ensure families are engaged in Sunday Mass at Saint Teresa of Avila Catholic Student Center.
Of course, a family can go to any Catholic Mass to fulfill their obligation to attend Sunday Mass.
However, the Mass Policy ensures that families are a part of our community.
To be a part of a community means that you see the same people every week, get to know them, and allow your family to be invested in by the community while you invest in others too. (Donuts, visiting after Mass, getting to know people)
This means attending Mass at Saint Teresa of Avila Catholic Student Center.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is this an expectation?
Catholics are asked to attend Sunday Mass as a part of fulfilling the third commandment.
Fr. Jacob desires for faith formation families to be apart of our community, to have the chance to get to know each other, invest in each other's families, and have your family be invested by others too.
How will this happen?
In the past, children have been asked to fill out slips, and place them in a collection box. This task has proved inconvient for families. Instead, one parent or guardian will be asked to sign in their child on a sign-in sheet in the community room for Mass that weekend. This will be on the honor system.
What if we attend Mass somewhere else?
Life happens, and certainly it is better for a family to attend Mass at another parish if they are unable to attend at Saint Teresa's.
Attending Mass at another parish or community doesn't go towards the 70% expectation in place from August-May.
Parents are free to communicate with our staff, but there is not an expectation to send bulletins from another parish, contact us if they are out of town, or decide they need to attend Mass elsewhere that weekend.
If there is something serious in your family like illness, death or other unforunate circumstances, please contact us so we can support you pastorally in whatever you would need as a family.
What if my child is from a family with shared custody, divorce, or other situations outside of their control?
Certainly, Saint Teresa's is here for you. We will accomdate these types of needs on a case-by-case basis.