Third Grade will use the My Catholic Faith Delivered Online Program and 12 in-person supplemental sacramental preparation for first confession and first communion.
Eighth Grade will take place in in-person classes as they have before at Saint Teresa’s for sacramental prep to prepare students to make their confirmation during eighth grade. There will be no online component.
When can I register my family for the online program?
August 1, 2024
What is happening for sacramental prep years, grades 3 and 8?
Third Grade will use the My Catholic Faith Delivered Online Program and 12 in-person supplemental sacramental preparation for first confession and first communion.
Eighth Grade will take place in in-person classes as they have before at Saint Teresa’s for sacramental prep to prepare students to make their confirmation during eighth grade. There will be no online component.
What if my child is other-abled or is not capable or online faith formation?
Your child will certainly be accommodated. Saint Teresa's is committed to accommodating those with special needs on a case by case basis. Please contact us if you have more questions.
What about children that are too young for online faith formation? (Pre-K and K)
Online instruction will not be offered prior to First Grade.
Children aged 4-7 are encouraged to attend the Children's Liturgy of the Word during the 10:30AM Sunday Mass at Saint Teresa's.
If the program is online, what will the catechists do?
Hosting and putting on quarterly family nights. Quarterly family nights will include parents, their children, and catechists to host a night with food, an activity, and fun for the entire family to engage their faith.
Helping with sacramental retreats
Many "behind the scenes" tasks in our office
Helping host "office hours" to help during this transition if parents have questions.
My child is in (blank) grade. What are we committing to?
1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th - My Catholic Faith Delivered, quarterly family faith formation nights
3rd - My Catholic Faith Delivered Online Program, in-person sacramental prep for first confession (6 sessions in the fall) and first communion (6 sessions in the spring)
8th - in-person sacramental prep for confirmation (18 sessions throughout the academic year)
Attending Mass at Saint Teresa of Avila Catholic Student Center 70% of Sundays from August-May.